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ford madox ford造句

"ford madox ford"是什么意思  
  • Previously, MacShane had written a biography of Ford Madox Ford.
  • Ford Madox Ford lived in neighbouring Bedham during 1920 and 1921.
  • There, on May 1, she met the author, Ford Madox Ford.
  • Early in 1918, Bowen met and fell in love with the writer Ford Madox Ford.
  • Other luminaries who frequented the establishment included Katherine Mansfield, Ford Madox Ford, and Augustus John.
  • Bill Weld listened to the Grateful Dead and Rolling Stones when not reading Ford Madox Ford or Vladimir Nabokov.
  • She worked odd jobs in the 1920s and her life with Ford Madox Ford was hand-to-mouth.
  • He was married to author and Ford Madox Ford scholar Sondra Selvansky Stang from 1946 until her death in 1990.
  • The description of " scattered " given to Bonnington by Ford Madox Ford in the 19th century is still apt today.
  • Their sons, Ford Madox Hueffer ( better known as Ford Madox Ford ) and Oliver Madox Hueffer, were writers.
  • It's difficult to see ford madox ford in a sentence. 用ford madox ford造句挺难的
  • A man who was a friend both of Toller and of the novelist Ford Madox Ford was hard to catalogue politically.
  • Hall's friend Willard Trask invited both women to one of Ford Madox Ford's regular Thursday afternoon salons.
  • Bartlett is an accomplished writer . " John Dos Passos remarked : " Praise from Ford Madox Ford is praise indeed.
  • Through his father, Mr . Davison met such literary giants as Frost, Ford Madox Ford, and Robert Penn Warren.
  • Following this he became involved in journalism and co-edited the " English Review " with Ford Madox Ford.
  • These adventures were also chronicled by their cousin Ford Madox Ford in his 1931 memoir " Return to Yesterday ".
  • The proceedings attracted 800 reporters, among them Walter Winchell, the inventor of tabloid journalism, Ford Madox Ford and Damon Runyon.
  • In 1924 Pound secured funding for Ford Madox Ford's " The Transatlantic Review " from American attorney John Quinn.
  • Sometime on or before December 1938 Brustlein met his future wife, Janice Biala, who was then living with Ford Madox Ford.
  • I also read what is benevolently termed " good " literature, like Ford Madox Ford, Guenter Grass and Saul Bellow.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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